
What is an epic and why are epics important?

What is an epic hero and what makes him an epic hero?

What is mythology and why is mythology important in revealing a culture?

What is a universal theme?

What experiences have made you who you are today?

How is Greek mythology evident in our lives today?

How does society define heroism across time?

How does the test situation define our sense of self?

What is the nature of humanity's struggle between good and evil?

How do universal themes in literature help us to make sense of our selves and our world?

What is the relationship between decisions and consequences?

How do we know how to make good decisions?

How can a person's decisions and actions change his/her life?

How do the decisions and actions of characters reveal their personalities?

How do decisions, actions, and consequences vary depending on the different perspectives of the people involved?

Do the attributes of a hero remain the same over time?

When does a positive personality trait become a tragic flaw?

What is the role of the hero in a culture?

How do various cultures reward/recognize their heroes?

Does a hero have a special responsibility because of his/her "hero" status?

Why is it important for people/cultures to construct narratives about their experiences?

What is the relevance of studying multicultural texts?

What can you learn about yourself by studying the lives of others?

What universal characteristics of belief systems that are common across people and time?

How are belief systems represented and reproduced through history, literature, art, and music?

What are the poetic elements that distinguish poetry from prose?

What is figurative language and how do we use it in ordinary speech as well as in poetic verses to create visual images and to suggest meaning?

What is an extended metaphor?

What is personification?

In what ways are symbols used to suggest deeper meanings beyond those that can be stated with ordinary words?

How so sounds help us "hear" a poem?

How are separate elements of a poem combined to produce an overall effect?

Does the pattern of organization of lines in a poem have an effect on its meaning?

Are the meaning and the purpose of a poem the same thing?

How important to the overall understanding of a poem is it to identify its tone?

Are sound devices more than just a way poets show off their ability to manipulate the language?

How does understanding the metrical structure of poetry contribute to our understanding?

How can we learn to recognize major symbols used by poets?

Do poets always mean exactly what they say?

Why is a broad reading background important to understanding poetry?

Why know the exact meanings of words?

How does use of carefully selected imagery add to the enjoyment of a poem?

What is figurative language?