WEEK EIGHT: Days Four and Five
WEEK NINE: Days One, Two, Three
Unit Theme:
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of cultural and historical impact on literary texts.
Unit Essential Question:
Why do cultures construct narratives about their experiences?
Unit Skills or Concepts:
Students will demonstrate success in creative research through project and presentation.
Today's Skills or Concepts
The student will be able to identify the requirements for the folder/scrapbook project.
The student will be able to identify the criteria for an oral presentation.
A. The teacher will review requirements for Odyssey Tour and answer any questions.
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B. The teacher will present the rubric for oral presentation skills:
- A = poise, clear articulation, proper volume, steady rate, good posture and eye contact, enthusiasm, and confidence
- B = clear articulation; all the above with not as much polish
- C = some mumbling, little eye contact, uneven rate, little or no expression
- D = inaudible or too loud, no eye contact, rate too slow or too fast, seemed bored, used monotone
C. Each student will turn in an Odyssey Tour notebook or scrapbook for a grade.
D. Each student will orally present his/her Odyssey Tour project for a grade.