Teacher's Notes for Preparing the Next Study Unit:
Effective readers use a variety of thinking strategies to demonstrate comprehension of literary text.
What thinking strategies do readers use to comprehend literary text?
How does a reader prepare to read a text?
What thinking needs to take place in the pre-reading strategy?
What does an effective reader do while reading?
What does an effective reader think during reading?
How does an effective reader demonstrate comprehension?
Vocabulary: preview, prior knowledge, set purpose, predict, connect, visualize, question, predict, infer, clarify, reread, draw conclusions, compare/contrast, cause/effect, clarify, summarize, generalize, apply, evaluate, synthesize, reread, draw conclusions, discuss
Poetic and Literary Elements
Solidifying an understanding of literary elements, students will be able to (1)analyze elements of literature and their function in pieces, (2)develop opinions and validation of opinions in reagard to literature, and (3) utilize various elements in the creation of individual works
How do elements and devices contribute to literature?
How do individual literary components contribute to the creation of a final text?
Setting, Plot, Theme, Major Character, Minor Character, Rising Action, Falling Action, Climax, Resolution, Narrative Hook, Exposition, Genre
How do poetic devices effect meaning, interpretation, and presentation of a poetic piece?
Alliteration, Personification, Assonance, Metaphor, Simile, Onomatopaeia, Hyperbole, Consonance